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Discovery Flight

Discovery Flight

A Discovery Flight is essentially a regular 60 minutes flight lesson under the supervision of a Certified Flight Instructor right next to you. During the flight, you will be treated just like a regular student pilot and you can actually control a Cessna 172, 152, and Piper Warrior II training aircraft from the pilot’s seat.

Take your first Discovery Flight

You will be involved in all the pre-flight and post-flight duties such as route planning, aircraft inspections and debriefing normally completed by pilots. You’ll get to log the flight as you would a regular lesson, and get a chance to see how much you enjoy flying. Discovery Flight is also a good opportunity to chat with other students and flight instructors and learn more about flying as a career. Start your journey in the sky now and explore your passion for aviation!

Locations Offered

Rates & Types of Aircrafts for Discovery Flight



Must be 16 years of age & above


to be proficient in the English language

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