[:en]It’s been my passion since I was a child. It just kept on growing until the day I was sure that yes this is the only thing that I would like to do, and here I am. At Flying Academy right now!

I started flying with the flight simulator at the beginning, my first fly as an aerobatic experience was something that I would never forget, you are used to straight and level flight, but this one is just inverted. You literally, do everything that is against the law, you are not allowed to spin on a normal aircraft and I am doing spins legally.
Europe is a massive area, but the Czech Republic (Prague) (Brno) is in the middle of it, so you can basically travel internationally as a pilot in command which is something different as a pilot’s perspective and actually when you are an amateur too, it’s been like an amazing experience for me to fly to Germany, and I have been planning myself to go to Austria too, the access is much easier than other countries.
Stop thinking and come over, you need to come over and see how things are going in this academy, it’s different and it’s much more interesting. See you here.
Visit Our website :
Facebook: Flying Academy
Instagram: Flying Academy
YouTube channel: Flying Academy
Contact us. Don’t hesitate to write us if you have any question![:es]Ha sido mi pasión desde que era niño. Esta simplemente siguió creciendo hasta el día en que estaba seguro de que sí, esto es lo único que me gustaría hacer, y aquí estoy. ¡En Flying Academy ahora mismo!

Empecé a volar con el simulador de vuelo al principio.
Mi primer vuelo como experiencia acrobática fue algo que nunca olvidare, estás acostumbrado a volar en línea recta y nivelada, pero este está invertido. Literalmente, haces todo lo que está en contra de la ley, no tienes permitido entrar en perdida en un avión normal y yo lo estoy haciendo ahora legalmente.
Europa es un área muy grande, pero la República Checa (Praga) (Berno) está en el medio, por lo que básicamente puedes viajar internacionalmente como piloto al mando, lo cual es algo diferente para la perspectiva de un piloto y, de hecho, también cuando eres todavía un aficionado, ha sido una experiencia increíble para mí volar a Alemania, y he estado planeando ir a Austria también, el acceso es mucho más fácil que en otros países.
Deja de pensar y ven, necesitas venir y ver cómo van las cosas en esta academia, es diferente y es mucho más interesante. Te veo aquí.
Visita nuestra pagina web:
Facebook: Flying Academy
Instagram: Flying Academy
Canal de YouTube: Flying Academy

Contactanos. No dudes en escribirnos si tienes cualquier duda!


Instrument Rating

[:en]Private pilot license has limitations, one of them is flying during low visibility conditions under instrument flight rules.
To obtain instrument rating you need to qualify for medical class 1 and be holder of a valid private pilot license. by the time of the skill test, you should have 50 dual hours and your ATPL theory and get your IFR english certificate.
Training for instrument rating can be done at Flying Academy Brno base at Turany Airport on a single engine aircraft Cessna 172 classic or Cessna 172 G1000.
IFR training consist of 50 dual hours out of which 20 can be done in simulator.

Practical part:
Training starts with the basic instrument flight Module.
Then it continues to local area IFR training with different types of approaches.
Third stage is navigation IFR flights to different airport around Czech republic and Europe.
Your training will be finished with a rating issued by local civil aviation authority.
Instrument rating is not only a requirement of being professional pilot but also very useful to fly an aircraft under IFR with a minimum decision height 200 feet as a private pilot.[:es]La licencia de piloto privado tiene limitaciones, una de ellas está volando en condiciones de baja visibilidad según las reglas de vuelo por instrumentos.
Para obtener la habilitación del instrumento, debe calificar para la clase médica 1 y ser titular de una licencia de piloto privado válida. Al momento de la prueba de habilidad, debe tener 50 horas duales y su teoría ATPL y obtener su certificado IFR de inglés.
El entrenamiento para la calificación de instrumentos se puede realizar en la base Flying Academy Brno en el aeropuerto de Turany en un avión mono motor Cessna 172 clásico o Cessna 172 G1000.
IFR training consist of 50 dual hours out of which 20 can be done in simulator.

Parte prácticas:
El entrenamiento comienza con el módulo básico de vuelo por instrumentos.
Luego continúa con el entrenamiento de IFR del área local con diferentes tipos de enfoques.
La tercera etapa es la navegación con vuelos IFR a diferentes aeropuertos de la República Checa y Europa.
Su entrenamiento terminará con una calificación emitida por la autoridad local de aviación civil.
La calificación de los instrumentos no solo es un requisito para ser piloto profesional, sino que también es muy útil para volar un avión bajo IFR con una altura de decisión mínima de 200 pies como piloto privado.[:tr]Hususi pilot lisansının kısıtlamaları vardır, bunlardan birisi aletli uçuş kuralları altında düşük görüş koşullarında uçmaktır.
Aletli Uçuş yetkisi alabilmek için 1. sınıf sağlık sertifikasına ve geçerli bir Hususi Pilot Lisansına(PPL) sahip olmanız gerekir. Pratik sınav öncesi, 50 saat eğitmenle uçuşunuzu tamamlamalı, ATPL teori sınavlarını geçmeli ve IFR İngilizce sertifikanızı almalısınız.
Aletli Uçuş eğitimini, Brno Turany Havaalanı’ndaki Flying Academy  üssünde tek motorlu bir Cessna 172 Classic veya Cessna 172 G1000’le yapabilirsiniz.
IR eğitimi, 20’sini simülatörde yapabileceğiniz toplam 50 saat eğitmenle olan uçuşlardan oluşmaktadır.

Eğitim, temel aletli uçuş modülü ile başlamaktadır.
Daha sonra farklı yaklaşımları öğreneceğiniz yerel IFR eğitimi ile devam ediyor.
Üçüncü aşamada Çek Cumhuriyeti ve Avrupa’daki değişik havaalanlarına IFR seyrüsefer uçuşları gerçekleştireceksiniz.
Eğitiminiz yerel sivil havacılık otoritesi tarafından lisansınıza yetkinin işlenmesi sonrası son bulacaktır.
Aletli Uçuş Yetkisi sadece profesyonel pilot olma yolundaki zorunluluk değil aynı zamanda hususi pilot olarak IFR koşullarında 200 ft karar yüksekliği ile uçuşlarınızı yapmanızı sağlar.[:]

LMS – TOP Learning Tool in Flying Academy

[:en]LMS is a Learning Management System, which every student of Flying Academy can use to improve his knowledge, get the most updated information, download all necessary for the education books and materials, complete tests and be in touch with the certified instructors in the real time.[:es]LMS is a Learning Management System, which every student of Flying Academy can use to improve his knowledge, get the most updated information, download all necessary for the education books and materials, complete tests and be in touch with the certified instructors in the real time.[:]

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Training moments – ILS Approach RWY 27 Brno Turany Airport

[:en]Our first moment comes from Turany International Airport in Brno, Czech Republic during low visibility conditions.[:es]Nuestro primer momento proviene del Aeropuerto Internacional de Turany en Brno, República Checa, en condiciones de baja visibilidad.[:ru]Our first moment comes from Turany International Airport in Brno, Czech Republic during low visibility conditions.[:]

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Know more about Cessna Aircraft at Flying Academy.

[:en]We are proud to present some of our planes from The Cessna Aircraft Company. General Characteristics and Performance Specifications.[:es]Estamos orgullosos de presentar algunos de nuestros aviones desde la Compañía de Aircraft Cessna. Características generales y especificaciones del funcionamiento.[:ru]We are proud to present some of our planes from The Cessna Aircraft Company. General Characteristics and Performance Specifications.[:]

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EASA Medical certification

[:en]Every student at Flying Academy must have a valid medical certificate prior to their solo flight (if obtaining a Private Pilot License). For every other license, the student must have a medical certificate prior to starting the course.[:es]Cada estudiante en Flying Academy debe tener un certificado médico válido antes de su vuelo en solitario (si obtiene una Licencia de piloto privado). Para cualquier otra licencia, el estudiante debe tener un certificado médico antes de comenzar el curso.[:ru]Every student at Flying Academy must have a valid medical certificate prior to their solo flight (if obtaining a Private Pilot License). For every other license, the student must have a medical certificate prior to starting the course.[:]

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EUROPE Prague base

[:en]With over 12 years of continuous activity, Flying Academy is one of the fastest growing flight schools in Europe that provides a high standard of flight training in an airline-like environment. Our EASA flight training base is located rather in Brno or in Prague, the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is the member state of the European Union.
Flying Academy is a EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO), which operates from the base located at Prague Letňany International Airport (LKLT). The Czech Republic is the perfect location for both practical and theoretical training. In combination with our highly experienced Flight Instructors and competitive program fees, Flying Academy is the first choice of pilot training for future Professional or Private Pilots from all continents. All training is performed in accordance with Part-FCL regulations.[:es]Con más de 12 años de actividad continua, Flying Academy es una de las escuelas de vuelo de más rápido crecimiento en Europa que ofrece un alto nivel de entrenamiento de vuelo en un entorno similar a una aerolínea. Nuestra base de entrenamiento de vuelo EASA está ubicada en Brno o en Praga, República Checa. La República Checa es el estado miembro de la Unión Europea.
Flying Academy es una Organización de Capacitación Aprobada por la EASA (ATO), que opera desde la base ubicada en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Letňany (LKLT) de Praga. La República Checa es el lugar perfecto para la formación práctica y teórica. En combinación con nuestros instructores de vuelo altamente experimentados y tarifas de programas competitivos, Flying Academy es la primera opción de entrenamiento de pilotos para futuros pilotos profesionales o privados de todos los continentes. Todo el entrenamiento se realiza de acuerdo con las regulaciones de la Parte-FCL.[:ru]With over 12 years of continuous activity, Flying Academy is one of the fastest growing flight schools in Europe that provides a high standard of flight training in an airline-like environment. Our EASA flight training base is located rather in Brno or in Prague, the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is the member state of the European Union.
Flying Academy is a EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO), which operates from the base located at Prague Letňany International Airport (LKLT). The Czech Republic is the perfect location for both practical and theoretical training. In combination with our highly experienced Flight Instructors and competitive program fees, Flying Academy is the first choice of pilot training for future Professional or Private Pilots from all continents. All training is performed in accordance with Part-FCL regulations.[:]

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EUROPE Brno base

[:en]With over 12 years of continuous activity, Flying Academy is one of the fastest growing flight schools in Europe that provides a high standard of flight training in an airline-like environment. Our EASA flight training base is located rather in Brno or in Prague, the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is the member state of the European Union.
Flying Academy is a EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO), which operates from the bases located at Brno Tuřany International Airport (LKTB). The Czech Republic is the perfect location for both practical and theoretical training. In combination with our highly experienced Flight Instructors and competitive program fees, Flying Academy is the first choice of pilot training for future Professional or Private Pilots from all continents. All training is performed in accordance with Part-FCL regulations.[:cs]With over 12 years of continuous activity, Flying Academy is one of the fastest growing flight schools in Europe that provides a high standard of flight training in an airline-like environment. Our EASA flight training base is located rather in Brno or in Prague, the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is the member state of the European Union.
Flying Academy is a EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO), which operates from the bases located at Brno Tuřany International Airport (LKTB). The Czech Republic is the perfect location for both practical and theoretical training. In combination with our highly experienced Flight Instructors and competitive program fees, Flying Academy is the first choice of pilot training for future Professional or Private Pilots from all continents. All training is performed in accordance with Part-FCL regulations.[:es]Con más de 12 años de actividad continua, Flying Academy es una de las escuelas de vuelo de más rápido crecimiento en Europa que ofrece un alto nivel de entrenamiento de vuelo en un entorno similar a una aerolínea. Nuestra base de entrenamiento de vuelo EASA está ubicada en Brno o en Praga, República Checa. La República Checa es el estado miembro de la Unión Europea.
Flying Academy es una Organización de entrenamiento Aprobada por la EASA (ATO), que opera desde las bases ubicadas en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Brno Tuřany (LKTB). La República Checa es el lugar perfecto para la formación práctica y teórica. En combinación con nuestros instructores de vuelo altamente experimentados y tarifas de programas competitivos, Flying Academy es la primera opción de entrenamiento de pilotos para futuros pilotos profesionales o privados de todos los continentes. Todo el entrenamiento se realiza de acuerdo con las regulaciones de la Parte-FCL.[:ru]With over 12 years of continuous activity, Flying Academy is one of the fastest growing flight schools in Europe that provides a high standard of flight training in an airline-like environment. Our EASA flight training base is located rather in Brno or in Prague, the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is the member state of the European Union.
Flying Academy is a EASA Approved Training Organization (ATO), which operates from the bases located at Brno Tuřany International Airport (LKTB). The Czech Republic is the perfect location for both practical and theoretical training. In combination with our highly experienced Flight Instructors and competitive program fees, Flying Academy is the first choice of pilot training for future Professional or Private Pilots from all continents. All training is performed in accordance with Part-FCL regulations.[:]

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EU Visas

[:en]Visa assistance for foreign students of Flying Academy in Europe. Flying Academy is providing a short term and long term Visa assistance, according to the duration of the training program.[:es]Asistencia de visas para estudiantes extranjeros de Flying Academy en Europa. Flying Academy ofrece asistencia de Visa a corto y largo plazo, según la duración del programa de capacitación.[:ru]Visa assistance for foreign students of Flying Academy in Europe. Flying Academy is providing a short term and long term Visa assistance, according to the duration of the training program.[:]

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